Delivering Life-Saving Medical Supplies to Ukraine

Elevate Ukraine recently collaborated with local and international supports to deliver 40-foot shipping container filled with medical devices and supplies with an estimated value of $250k to the Poltava region in Ukraine. The shipment, which arrived in March, included EKG and ultrasound machines, SIPAP therapy equipment, wheelchairs, surgical supplies, and medical hygiene products. This project aimed to provide essential medical equipment and inventory to support medical facilities located in the war zone. 

In a war zone, access to advanced medical equipment, such as EKG and ultrasound machines, and SIPAP therapy equipment (vital for infants and patients with respiratory issues), is crucially important for patients' survival and well-being. In the midst of conflict and instability, medical facilities are often overwhelmed, and healthcare resources are scarce. These sophisticated machines provide essential diagnostic capabilities, enabling healthcare providers to quickly assess and monitor patients' conditions.

The project began months before the shipment reached its destination in March, with Roman Popadiuk, a Board Member of Elevate Ukraine, playing a crucial role in connecting the organization with Partners for World Health (PWH). Partners for World Health is an organization dedicated to aiding countries facing war, famine, or political unrest by assembling the necessary medical supplies for hospitals in conflict zones. PWH assembled the supplies that any hospital in a war zone would need, and Elevate Ukraine began the process of raising the funds needed to ship the supplies. This was the time when the generosity of the American public shone brightly. Partners and supporters eagerly stepped forward, recognizing the urgency and importance of the mission.

TDI-Brooks, our dedicated and trusted partner, stepped in to contribute their staff, connections, and expertise in shipping this massive 40-foot-high cube sea container, weighing 40,000 lbs to Germany. Once the container reached Germany, Elevate Ukraine partnered with World of Connections and Charita Shteynberg to navigate customs and arrange for transportation within Ukraine. 

The recipient of this invaluable shipment was the Dnipropetrovsk Psychoneurological Center for Medical and Social Rehabilitation of Children. Dr. Nestani Mekhatishvili, in partnership with Elevate Ukraine, managed the sorting process to allocate the equipment according to the specific needs of other receiving hospitals.

Let's Love, another trusted partner in Ukraine, played a crucial role in coordinating the distribution process, ensuring that the life-saving equipment reached the medical facilities where it was needed the most. This collaborative effort by Elevate Ukraine, Partners for World Health, TDI-Brooks, World of Connections, Charita Shteynberg, and Let's Love showcased the power of collective action and highlighted the impact that can be achieved through strong partnerships.

As a testament to the project's success and the immense difference it made, the Poltava Regional Military Administration expressed their heartfelt gratitude to Elevate Ukraine. Chairman Josh Leftwich and Vice-Chairman Kent Dale were recognized with honorary diplomas, appreciating their exceptional efforts and dedication to the mission.

Elevate Ukraine extends its sincerest thanks to all those who donated their time, expertise, and financial support to make this life-saving shipment a reality. Their collective involvement has undoubtedly saved countless lives, and the impact of this project will be felt for years to come.


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