Elevate Ukraine Partners with Tullman Family, Vienna Mission for Ukraine, and UAID-Direct to Support Humanitarian Efforts

We are thrilled to share our recent collaboration with the Tullman Family Office, Vienna Mission for Ukraine (VM4U), and UAID-Direct. In March, Elevate Ukraine was the grateful recipient of a generous $25,000 donation from the Tullman Family Office. We have directed these funds towards supporting the invaluable work of our partners at VM4U and UAID-Direct.

Utilizing $18,750 from the grant, VM4U has facilitated the purchase of a much-neededcargo van for UAID-Direct. The new van will serve as a critical capability for the UAID-Direct organization. This van commenced service on 23 April 2024. This van delivers aid from the UAID-Direct warehouse in Medyka, Poland to locations throughout Ukraine, which will save lives and reduce suffering. Its deployment forms an integral part of the UAID-Direct+VM4U joint project to establish a sustainable, needs-driven medical supply chain connecting the Partners for World Health organization in the US with Ukrainian hospitals and international volunteer medics. UAID-Direct and VM4U international volunteers on-the-ground provide delivery confirmation necessary for donor confidence. This procurement is especially important because the new van’s higher reliability reduces the risk to volunteer drivers delivering to hospitals in unsafe areas.

Furthermore, $6,250 of the grant will be allocated towards the Diabetics Supply Project. VM4U has successfully secured a donation of Dexcom sensors from Dexcom Austria, with plans underway to procure additional sensors. These efforts aim to alleviate the financial burden on Ukrainian families grappling with exorbitant healthcare costs. By supplying CGM sensors to diabetic patients, they hope to mitigate health risks and enhance their quality of life. With average salaries hovering around $500 per month, essential medical supplies, such as Dexcom sensors, remain financially out of reach for numerous individuals. Families with diabetic members are often forced to make agonizing choices between healthcare necessities and basic essentials. Through the Diabetics Supply Project, the Tullman Family Office, Elevate Ukraine, and VM4U hope to alleviate this burden.

We extend our sincerest gratitude to Tullman Family Office for their support and generosity, enabling us to forge partnerships and enact meaningful change. Together,with our dedicated collaborators, we remain steadfast in our commitment to support Ukraine in the midst of war.

Links: tullmancommunityventures.org; vm4u.org; uaiddirect.org; partnersforworldhealth.org


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